About Leaven & Love
If you're a bread maker yourself, you may know that leaven is part of what goes into our gluten-free sourdough. It's the prefermentation process of mixing sourdough starter with flour and water.
But "leaven" actually has a second meaning as well - "a pervasive influence that modifies something or transforms it for the better." That hit home for us since that's really what we are trying to do here. We are foodies who are passionate about organic, slow food that nourishes our bodies and the earth.
What about the "& Love" part of the name? Well, that's easy - we put a lot of love into this bread! Making things with our hands is truly an act of love. We even say sweet blessings to the bread for its journey into the oven.
So there you have it!
Thank you for supporting this small, family business. Thank you for nourishing yourselves and your loved ones. We deeply appreciate you!
Gratefully Yours,
Ashley & Jeff